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Technology is everywhere. There’s no doubt about it. There’s no hiding from it. I think it’s safe to say that technology is here to stay. That’s why I’m sharing these 5 ways to teach your teen to live with technology responsibly.
If we can learn (and teach our kids) to be responsible with technology there is no end to the benefits we might see from the ever growing and changing world of computers, gadgets, and technology.
Why Teach Teens To Use Technology Responsibly?
I’ve never been one to judge other parents, we all have to find the solution that works for our kids and for our own lives. In my experience it’s been about finding the happy medium. Teaching my teens to use technology responsibly means I can feel confident that they are being smart and safe online.
The world of technology is not going away. If anything it is getting bigger and infiltrating our lives on a more extensive level each and every day…and you know what? That’s probably a good thing. There are so many positives to the new technology that we’re seeing these days.
I’d like to think that our lives can be positively impacted by these new and exciting creations, the first step is learning to use technology responsibly.
More Responsible Technology Posts Here:
Teaching teens to live with technology responsibly is a key to their future success that you can’t overlook. Technology is everywhere these days. We need to help our teens and tweens navigate this confusing world so that they’ll have the tools they need to be successful in the long run.
I’ve been navigating these rough waters for quite some time now so I’ve compiled a list of great posts that you might find helpful. There’s no best way, there’s no right way, but hopefully these will help you build the perfect method for your own family!
- Talking Tips for Teen Internet Safety
- 5 Social Media Apps You Should Look Out For If You Have Teens
- 4 Ways Social Media Can Benefit Your Teen
- How To Check Twitter | A Guide For Parents
- How To Check Instagram | A Post For Parents
- Tips For Parents | How To Check Snapchat
5 Ways To Teach Your Teen To Live With Technology Responsibly
Set Limits
This might seem like a ‘no brainer’ but in reality it can be difficult to make that first step. The best way you can start to teach your teens to live with technology responsibly is by setting limits. Decide how much screen time you think is appropriate and then enforce those rulings. There are countless apps, parental monitors, and more out there to make it easy. If you struggle with this, sit down with your kids and try and let them have some input on the final hours/minutes decision.
Put The Screens To Bed Early
This is one great way to make sure your teens are learning to use technology responsibly…Set up a cut off time for screens. Not only will this make sure they get a good nights sleep it will also help them learn to manage their screen time when you are not around to remind them to shut off their devices and come back to the real world. You can do this by having them turn in their phones after “curfew” or turn them off. You can always shut off their data/wifi access too if you are worried that they’re not following your suggestions.
Limiting screen time for kids and teens can seem cruel in a world that is overrun with stimulation. In reality, it’s the best thing you can do for their developing minds. Who knows what they’ll discover (or rediscover) when they’re away from their screen for a bit!
Freedom Within Limitations
This is not really an oxymoron I promise! We all want to think that our teens will avoid the unsavory parts of the internet. Instead of just hoping that they’ll avoid content you think is unacceptable, set some limitations. Turn on the parental controls and block some features, apps, websites, or content that you want them to avoid. Let them have a chance to explore while feeling confident that they won’t encounter things you’d rather not have them looking at!
Again, there are apps out there that can help with this or the built in parental controls on most devices today have some customizable features! Learning to live with technology responsibly doesn’t happen over night. They will need some time to learn, luckily that’s where our guidance comes in! It can also be helpful to set up a list of off limits apps. Even some social media apps can be more than most teens can handle.
Monitor, Monitor, Monitor
Teens are teens…they are going to push the limits, they are going to try and push your buttons, and more than likely they’re going to do things that you don’t want to think about. Monitor their devices. Be upfront with them about your plans to do so and then follow through. Sometimes threatening to inspect devices is not enough and even teens on a mission will forget that mom might be reading their texts later!
Check on their social media profiles, their text message, and their internet browsing. Your vigilance will pay off if you can correct behavior before it becomes overwhelming.
Pause Screen Time Occasionally
Do you like to sit down to a family meal in the evenings? Have a big get together coming up? Important event for someone in the family? Use these times to pause the internet and screen times. Your diligence now will help your teen learn to use social media and technology responsibly. If they learn at this age that these are the kinds of things that are worth putting our phone down for, that will hopefully stick with them later in life!
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