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2B Mindset is a healthy nutrition program from Beachbody. 2B Mindset uses the “Plate It” technique for staying on track – take your meal and put it on a plate and make your portions of carbs, proteins, and veggies match their guidelines for the day.

A lot of you are asking what 2B Mindset is, so I wanted to share a little bit about it and what my initial thoughts are. I’ve also updated the post to include my thoughts after trying it for a bit.

The slogan for 2B Mindset is “change your mindset, change your life! Eat the foods you love and lose weight.” 

The 21 Day Fix / Portion Fix program and the 2 B Mindset program are targeted at roughly the same audience, but it’s definitely a different program. Let’s have a quick overview of the 2B Mindset system.

What is 2B Mindset? 2B Mindset is a new Beachbody weight loss program that uses plate proportions and a designated food list to help you lose weight and make smarter food choices. 2B Mindset is a Beachbody nutrition program. Here is a 2B Mindset review, links to 2B Mindset recipes, and some FAQ about this veggies most program. 2B Mindset Diet information | 2B Mindset Results #2BMindset #weightlossrecipes #21DayFix #vegetables #recipes #healthyrecipes #beachbodyrecipes #veggiesmost #veggies #waterfirst #2bmindsetrecipes #healthy #healthylunches #weightloss #beachbodyondemand #21dayfix #workout #healthylifestyle #beachbody #weightloss #fatloss

What is the 2B Mindset?

2B Mindset is one of the many nutrition programs that are popular today. It takes a different approach to food than what fad diets have been telling us for years. With the 2B Mindset, you can lose weight while still enjoying your favorite foods.

To achieve your goals, 2B Mindset uses diagrams of plates as well as food lists broken up into categories to teach you how to make healthy choices–this works because it’s easy for most people to eyeball portion sizes. So, eat foods from the list and eat them in a way that mimics the Plate It diagrams for what your plate should be like.

Here’s the scoop: 

1. Water first

2. Veggies most

These are the two foundations of the program. Drink water throughout the day so you’re hydrated and not making food decisions based on cravings, and you’ll be eating a lot of veggies throughout the day. The more meals that include “veggies most,” the more weight you’ll lose with 2B Mindset.

2B Mindset Kit on Beachbody

Plate It Portions

Unlike the 21 Day Fix, where you measure out your portions in portion-sized containers, with 2B Mindset you are using your plate as a guideline for each meal. Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner all have different plate proportions. You are filling your plate with vegetables, fiber rich carbs, and protein from a list of choices.

Breakfast: Breakfast is 50% protein, 50% carbs

Lunch: Lunch is 50% veggies, 25% protein, and 25% carbs. 

Dinner: Dinner is 75% veggies and 25% protein. 

Snacks: Snacks are optional and should be 50% veggies, 25% protein, and 25% carbs.  

2B Mindset Recipes & Tips
Heck YES sign me up for weekly 2B Mindset Quick Start Guide, printables, recipes, and tips! 

How does 2B Mindset Work?

The 2B Mindset program encourages 16 oz of water before every meal. This helps “trick” your body into feeling full so you eat less. It’s also a great way to stay hydrated and meet your water goals for the day.

By giving you choices from simple food groups and using the plate as a way to divide up your meals, 2B Mindset takes some of the guesswork out of a healthy lifestyle. They have a printable meal tracker for you to use each day which can help you stay accountable. Over time it can also help you see what works and what doesn’t with regards to eating (and drinking).

Because there is no direct calorie tracking, it can be hard to know ahead of time how much weight you can expect to lose. Making healthy goals is a great way to get started and if you don’t have any specific weight loss goals 2B Mindset could be helpful in that way. It’s important to remember, though, that weight loss is just a math equation. Calories in and calories out!

2B Mindset versus Portion Fix

2B Mindset is different from the 21 Day Fix or Portion Fix in a few ways:

  • 2B Mindset does not use measurements like the portion control containers. 
  • There are no calorie brackets for 2B Mindset.
  • There is no counting containers. 

In terms of measurements, on this program you are using the visual portions of your plate (50% veggies, 25% protein, 25% carbs, etc.) to help you lose weight and make smart choices. 

The 2B Mindset program is more focused on water consumption than the Fix. They want you drinking a minimum of 16 oz of water before you take your first bite of any meal or snack. This is a unique element that can help you feel full before you even start eating, and really helps you stay hydrated.

There are a few terms you’re going to want to learn for 2B Mindset:

  • FFC: FFC stands for full fiber carb, or fiber-filled carb. Carbohydrates that have a lot of fiber are more filling and slower burning in your system. These foods will last longer in your system and won’t spike your blood sugar like typical white flours and carbs with less fiber.
  • Water first: You’ll be drinking 16 ounces of water first thing before each and every meal. This helps to keep you hydrated and curb emotional eating. 
  • Veggies Most: 2B Mindset pushes vegetables with their term, “veggies most.” It goes right alongside “water first” in the 2B Mindset motto. When you’re ready to snack, always eat veggies first, before any proteins or FFCs. It means that you’ll be focusing on veggies filling you up instead of carbs.
  • Track It: You’re going to be writing down everything you put in your mouth on 2B Mindset. Eat from the food list most often, but know that you can eat other foods too, as long as you track them. Write it down and see what it does to your weight loss the next day (or two). Can you eat a donut on 2B? Yup, as long as you track it.

Can I Mix 2B Mindset And 21 Day Fix?

No. I’m not sure how it would work for other programs but with 21 Day Fix you can not mix programs. With 21 Day Fix you should be tracking only containers – it’s how the program works and it is how you track your food consumption.

The 21 Day Fix functions on rough calorie assumptions per container which is how your daily counts are determined. It’s important for the ratios because of the workouts as well.

Also, the food lists for the two programs are pretty different and don’t always work together.

Can I do 2B Mindset if I don’t like veggies?

Honestly, no. You’re not going to be able to balance out your plate if you don’t eat a decent amount of veggies on a daily basis (like, 75% of your last meal of the day has to be veggies), and you won’t see your best results with 2B Mindset. 

If you’re someone who only like a handful of veggies, you’ll be eating those ones over and over again which isn’t the most nutritious way to eat. There are other healthy lifestyle programs like Portion Fix or Weight Watchers that might help you reach your goals a little easier. 

What do you eat on 2B Mindset?

Here is a day of meals from the 2 B Mindset nutrition program. If you’re asking “what is 2B Mindset” then these images should help you understand what your plate is expected to look like during each meal. These are unstyled, very not professional photos–this is real life, friends!

If you’re looking to download the 2B Mindset Plate It guidelines, food list, and tracker, sign up here and I’ll send it to you. If you want to purchase the entire program (which includes digital materials, the printed booklets, water bottle, and an eCookbook), it’s a separate purchase from the Beachbody On Demand membership. 

Breakfast: 50% protein, 50% FFCs: A veggie omelet with bacon and two small slices of Dave’s Killer bread. Veggies are extra credit.

Veggie and bacon omelette with Dave's Killer bread

Lunch: 50% veggies, 25% protein and 25% FFCs: Sweet potato crab cakes, sliced raw veggies, and butternut squash

a plate for lunch on the 2B Mindset program

Dinner: 75% veggies, 25% protein: Spiralized zucchini (zoodles), and fajitas with no tortilla.

My 2 B Mindset Review

I think 2B Mindset is good for those who eat pretty well already and just need to keep an eye on their balance of veggies vs. other foods. If you’re looking to lose lots of weight, my opinion is that 2B Mindset is not structured enough to help most people stay on track.

My opinion is that if you’re looking to lose weight and keep it off, the 21-Day Fix is for you. If you’re already really good at self control and watching your portions, you might want to check into 2B Mindset. But any program that labels treats “silly carbs,” makes me a little wary.

I might be wrong here, and I’ll be the first to admit it if this program takes off–but as of now I’m very hesitant to recommend it.

Updated 6/1: I decided to try 2B to give my solid opinion, and I’ll admit that my initial thoughts were was wrong about the program in some aspects. I’ve lost 5 pounds in the week that I’ve been loosely sticking to the plan, and can identify exactly why I haven’t lost more (my son’s graduation from high school made for a very busy family filled party household for almost a week!).

You do have to know yourself, and set your limits. You do have to be ok with lowering or reducing your carbs after lunch. And, of course, you do have to track everything you eat–this is how you can correlate the piece of cake you ate last night with why the scale didn’t budge today.

For this program, weighing daily and tracking your food and water helps you see trends in your weight and ultimately identify how to keep it off long term.

Am I still super confused and a little annoyed at the reason behind the name of the program? Yes. We aren’t children and I think Beachbody could have stepped up and named it after something more professional and nutrition oriented.

Do I disagree with the fact that Dietitian Ilana Muhlstein (the program creator) labels what are essentially cheats and treats as “silly carbs?” Totally. Not a fan of the terminology. 

Am I a little judgmental? I’ll totally agree to that ;)

Am I eating my words and saying that I like 2B? Yup. It’s exactly the break I needed from the Fix after following it for so long. It challenges me to get more veggies into my diet, and that’s always the goal right?

2B Mindset Recipes & Tips
Heck YES sign me up for weekly 2B Mindset Quick Start Guide, printables, recipes, and tips! 

Delicious 2 B Mindset recipes with Plate It suggestions

Can I have dessert on the 2B Mindset program?

Yes! One of the best things to come out of 2B Mindset so far is Wonder Whips. 

Check out these Wonder Whip recipes you have to try, there are 21 different varieties, all in one spot. I have recipes for fruity flavors like lemon meringue and key lime pie as well as chocolate flavors with mint and peanut butter! You can also do Wonder Whip in savory recipes for dipping and toppings!

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  1. I am currently on day 8 of the 2B Mindset. I have done 21 Day Fix multiple times. The 21 day fix system can wprk, I was successful when I followed it. BUT, you can do the 2B Mindset anywhere. I have had an amazing weight loss and more importantly my guilt about eating food and cravings for foods have almost vanshed. The biggest part of this new program is the positive and free approach. I have trouble controlling my intake, but not with this program. This will be my nutrition program for life!

    1. This is helpful! I’m watching all of the videos now :)

      1. Which videos, Becca?

      2. Sandy, the program is video based. After purchasing, you get access to 21 videos that explain exactly what the program is.

    2. A little late but I’m considering trying 2BMindset. I had ordered everything for 21 day fix but the containers were not fitting into my chaotic, mom of 4 lifestyle. I’ve let things fall to the wayside and feel like I need help reigning it in. Do you think this is a good program for such a thing and do you drink the shakeology?

      1. I think it’s a great idea for you to try! I do not usually drink the Shakeology–I always have some in the pantry, but I’m not a big fan of shakes :)

  2. I don’t even think you can compare the 2 programs in my opinion. I have done 21DF and was very successful, but I did not lead me to have a better relationship with food. The 2B Mindset has completely changed my outlook on food and my relationship with food. I understand now that food is fuel, the better the fuel the better your body runs. There are really no foods that are off limits, you learn how to eat them. This has been a life changer for me.

    1. I could agree that they’re not super similar!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for posting some honest thoughts. Every site I have read is RAVING about it. Maybe it is really great, but I was looking for some other thoughts also. I’m still really considering doing it but this is great to read. Thanks.

    1. I just updated the post today with my thoughts about it after a week on the plan. I do like it, but I don’t think it’s for everyone. I wonder if the sites that are raving about it are coaches who earn money when they sell it?

      1. Elizabeth says:

        Good update! Thanks.

      2. Yes I think they are which is why it’s been difficult to find an honest and unbiased review. So thank you for that! This is literally the first review I’ve found that was giving me what I was looking for. Before spending the $135 (no shakes) I wanted a “real” opinion.

  4. So is the 2B mindset based on eating 3 meals a day vs eating something every couple of hours like the fix suggests? Would the 2B program be doable for someone with egg allergies?

    1. It is meal based, and yes allergy friendly! I am a month into it, and can assure you that it is very adaptable to certain needs.

  5. Long time reader, terrible commenter. ;)

    We started 2B when it came out and my husband lost 10 lbs and I lost 5 in about two weeks. For us, it totally works (when we do it…). Its definitely not a diet but a lifestyle, as any good program should be. That’s the think that made me pull the trigger and what made turned me off about 21 Day Fix. I just couldn’t do the containers (well…I COULD have, but it would have lasted a week.).

    Your review was right on. Loved the honesty and good summary. Now to hunt down/create/modify more dinner recipes!

  6. I’m not really sure why everyone gets tripped up by the containers on 21 day fix. I’m at the point now where I can eyeball my food so I don’t really have to carry containers around? Well anyway as far as the 2B mindset goes I feel like I’m in the minority. I feel like it’s actually not user-friendly at all basically if you are going to go out to eat all you can get is salad very few restaurants have beautiful varieties of vegetables like what you can make at home. Also I personally find Iliana super annoying (wuhuater instead of water?) & in general some of her vocalizations just BUG me. There is nobody that wanted to love this program more than I did I absolutely love 21 day fix and my beach body coach informed me this program would help me lose even more weight. But the videos irritate me I find the complete lack of structure very frustrating and honestly there is very little rhyme or reason to the program. I will probably go back to doing another round or two of 21 day fix maybe research 2B a little more and try again. It’s not rocket science it’s just eating a butt load of vegetables and water of course you’re going to lose weight

    1. Thanks Raya! I get you–the video based program is really hard for me to use, I really like to read and reference. And I can NOT figure out her accent! I love that she is one of the few who says drawer just like me (draw), so I have to admit a little sweet spot there ;)

      1. New York

  7. Elizabeth A Davis says:

    How did you get a spiraled tracker? I would love to have one over the bound one I got with the program.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! I had it done at the UPS store! It was under $10 to have them spiral bound it!

      1. Debbie Bullard says:

        Wow!! Great to know! Thanks!! I can use that for several things!

  8. Could you do this if you are a vegetarian? It sounds kind of like the 131 method.

    1. Hi Lali, I’m not sure what the 131 method is, but you could definitely do this as a vegetarian.

  9. Which Dave’s killer bread do you use?

  10. Debbie Bullard says:

    LOL–you probably hit the proverbial nail on the head!

  11. I started 2B on May 31st.
    I weighed 257 lbs. Yesterday I was 213.2 lbs.

    I would say this program WORKS!

  12. Just curious – I thought 2B mindset had no forbidden foods, but there are no fruits at all in any of the sample pictures…just wondering what the program says about those.

  13. Stephanie says:

    i have been loving 2b mindset, however i do not understand when you can have dessert? there are 3 meals and one optional snack. i do not see where it says dessert, or how these wonder whips would fit into the meal plan? would it be ate at the same time as dinner instead of your protein? Please advise.

    1. Desserts don’t really have a designated spot – you eat them and track them. Wonder Whips I love having with breakfast or lunch though!

  14. How did you turn yours into a spiral notebook? I love the tracker but the binding is not my favorite on it.

  15. Katherine D. says:

    This article is fantastic! Thanks so much! I’m really looking into it to help me lose the remaining weight from my 3rd (and final) baby.

  16. I have the reverse question of someone else. If it’s designed as 3 meals and a snack, can you do it if you are NOT going to meal eat? I typically eat small portions numerous times per day. Can you divvy up the plate portions and eat them individually throughout the day? Will it work as well?

    1. Sara Anderson says:

      Hi Megan,
      I’m not sure – it’s not what the program is intended to do but you can for sure try it :)

  17. I’m not big on vegetables. It’s rare I eat much of them. I do like broccoli (depending on how it’s cooked) and Brussel Sprouts. Would you recommend 2b or 21 day fix? I think my biggest problem is portion control and not drinking enough water. I’m trying to decide on which program to go with.

    1. Hey Kals! If you don’t care for vegetables, I 100% would not do 2B. I think you’d have better results and a more enjoyable experience knowing exactly how much veggies you had to eat a day on 21DF.

  18. Seven years ago I lost 70lbs in a year thanks to 21 day fix. I literally didn’t have a single cheat meal in a year. I worked out basically every single day. And yes it works! That being said it was very time consuming and overwhelming at times. After having my second child and slipping I have gained weight back and am trying to lose. Every time I start back on 21 day fix I give up. It’s a lot of work! I started 2B and immediately started to notice a difference and catch on to the point behind this program. Over time our brain will understand the program and it all comes natural to an overall lifestyle change to not only lose the weight and keep it off. For me I don’t have to spend so much time planning meals and meal prepping. With a busy schedule and two children I simply don’t have time for that. I personally don’t mind her calling them silly carbs, it’s makes you not feel as bad about having a little sometimes. And then step on the scale everyday to hold yourself accountable and prove to yourself what works and what doesn’t. I also think she named the program 2B ( two bunnies) after her own weight loss experience from a child. I don’t mind it. I loved watching the videos of her telling her own personal story.

    1. Holly, I love this!! I love that 2B works for you, and I completely agree–it’s easier for me than the Fix.

      1. jeanette mccay says:

        I prefer the continairs I do make adjustment like if i want a little more avocado ill have it yet 2be doesnt work for me it has too many rules i like portion out my food during the day weekends are tough but do feel better when i measure my food then just eating what i want

      2. I’m glad you’ve found what works for you!

  19. jeanette mccay says:

    I have tried both. last summer i tried portion fix for 3 months and got better results then when i did 2b. after trying both i prefer to portion my food. i find the containers really simple. all i do is portion my food put it on a plate. i dont really know much about portion fix as i havent done it longer then a few months yet im planning to do it this year im sure my results will be better once i start to portion out my food again too

    1. Portioning your food is SO helpful. It’s eye opening how much we eyeball when we don’t use containers.

      Please keep me posted on your progress and let me know if you have any questions!

  20. Elizabeth says:

    The 21 day fix containers are on my counter every day! My daughter uses them for paints.
    21 day fix was never going to work from me, and I probably knew that when I bought the program. I was going to need to hire someone to do the planning, shopping, chopping, and filling all the little containers, and at that point why wouldn’t I just hire a personal chef and eat what they put in front of me?
    After failing at 21 day fix I did the research and made my own eating plan, which has been super successful and is specifically achievable for me. So I don’t need 2B, and I don’t know the exact content, but in principle it sounds an awful lot like what I’m doing (except I do count calories), and what I’m doing is so easy and effective. I never feel hungry. So I’d think about giving 2B a plan if 21 day fix isn’t your thing- I think they’re for totally different lifestyles.

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