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These free Weight Watchers printables are great for tracking your progress. WW printables can help keep you focused on your goals and ultimately lead you to success on the program.

Free Weight Watchers Printables
I have a lot of great printables here at My Crazy Good Life (you can access the free content resource library below) but I realized I didn’t have anything specific to Weight Watchers!
I wanted to fix that right away! So here they are, some new WW printables for tracking your progress, your daily points, and your weekly points.
Why do I need WW printables to track my progress?
As a society we have become way too focused on the scale. Not everything revolves around how much you weigh. I know we’ve all heard the old adage “muscle weighs more than fat” and that’s true!
If you are truly looking to live a healthier lifestyle while also losing weight and seeing progress in your body, you will want to track your measurements as well as your weight.
Tracking your measurements allows you to see the small changes that are happening from week to week while you might not be able to see the difference. I liken it to a puppy: when you see them everyday it’s hard to notice that they’re growing. When you flip back through pictures it’s shocking to see the difference!
With measurements you will be able to see exactly where your progress is happening and on the other side of that coin, you’ll be able to see where you are NOT seeing progress so you can target your workouts!
Can’t I just track my points in the app?
You can absolutely track your Weight Watchers Points in the app. One of the benefits of writing down your points is the physical act of doing so.
It’s easy to think “oh I’ll put that in the app tonight when I sit down” and then you forget or it doesn’t happen. I have found that if I keep this sheet with me I’m much more likely to write it down as I’m eating. Then the points can be tallied at the end of the day.
When you look back over a week or a month of sheets you will be able to see where you struggled, where you were successful, and how you can keep yourself on track.
Much like memory retention, the act of writing something down with a good old fashioned pen and paper makes a difference. Hopefully this points tracker can help you stay focused and successful!
Are these printables easy to use?
These are easy to use worksheets and activities trackers. They’re not difficult math worksheets and I would be willing to bet they’re easier than the new math lesson plans your kids are coming home with!
My printables have slots for your measurements, and your points. You can write down everything from zero point foods to pre-calculated recipes. Keep the points tracker with you so you can make sure all foods are constantly added and up to date.
More Weight Watchers resources
It doesn’t matter if you are searching for recipes, meal planning, or advice and tips. I’ve got you covered! Check out some of my top WW content here at My Crazy Good Life. These will go great with your new free Weight Watchers printables ;)
Weight Watchers Zero Point Lunch and Dinner Recipes | Possibly my favorite post about Weight Watchers. So many easy recipes that are zero points. You’ll love being able to work these into your meal plan and when you go to use that new tracker you can add a lot of zeros!
Weight Watchers Tuscan Chicken Pasta | A fan favorite here at MCGL! So many people are loving this tasty pasta recipe.
Weight Watchers Chicken Salad with Grapes | This easy chicken salad is low in points, delicious, and perfect for salads, wraps, sandwiches, and more.
Weight Watchers Instant Pot Meal Prep | Using the Instant Pot for meal prep for any healthy lifestyle is a must! It takes the time, effort, and stress out of getting food ready for a healthy meal plan for the week.
Weight Watchers Mexican Recipes | You don’t have to give up your favorite foods just because you are on the Weight Watchers program. These tasty WW Mexican recipes are delicious, and calculated for Freestyle Smart Points.
Weight Watchers Instant Pot Recipes with Points | I put my Instant Pot to good use and make WW recipes on the regular. These are quick, easy, and Weight Watchers friendly recipes that everyone can enjoy!
Weight Watchers Coconut Margarita Recipe | Sometimes we just need a margarita, right?! Well good news, this one won’t break your points budget for the day!
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Hi There!
I signed up for your newsletter so I could get access to your WW printables.
You have a great site here!!
Thank you for all of the hard work you’ve done to help all of us!
Thank you for your kind words, April! I’m so glad it’s helpful :)
Would love to have printable trackers! I’m an old Weight Watchers member from way back.
Hey Jo Ann! You can sign up for my printable library here: It’s where all my free printables are :)
I have signed up but can’t seem to locate the printable trackers.
Hi Theresa, did you receive the welcome email with the link and password?