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Bullet journal hacks or a bullet journal cheatsheet is basically just my easy reference for ides that really work. I’m not dedicated enough for daily journaling (in the traditional sense) and with a bullet journal everything is a little more stream of consciousness which is more suited to my lifestyle. When I first discovered bullet journals I was amazed! There are so many adorable accessories that I was immediately hooked. I mean when I discovered Little Crane on Etsy I don’t think I could pull myself away for half the day!

The only problem is that I had no idea where to begin. There are a million different ways to customize a bullet journal but I couldn’t possibly do them all, at least not all at once. I needed to find bullet journal hacks that worked for me; this bullet journal cheatsheet will hopefully help you navigate the world of bullet jouranling. Now that I have the hang of it my bullet journal is very useful as an organizational tool and also as a creative outlet.

Bullet Journal Hacks | Bullet Journal Cheatsheet

Are you looking for some Bullet Journal Hacks? Here's my Bullet Journal Cheatsheet – it's perfect for those who want to Bullet Journal but don't know how!

Signifiers & Keys

Oh boy! This is a good one. Especially for those of you who might be new to the bullet journaling world…a good key and signifiers are going to change your life. A bullet journal might seem hard to navigate long-term. Set up a system of signifiers with a key. You can tape the key into your front page so that it can flip out to remind you of what each symbol means (you’ll learn them all eventually) and then you can quickly navigate and find useful information when you are searching. This helps me keep track of when things are happening, ideas, and even multi page lists. The great thing is that you can update and add to your key and signifiers as you and your bullet journal grow.

Display Your Bullet Journal

This has been a struggle with every planner since the dawn of time. It’s only useful if I’m looking at it! The same thing goes for my bullet journals. This is one of those bullet journal hacks that can end up being a quick fix or a project. You can design something that is perfectly suited to your tastes and office decor or you can simply pick up a book stand an sit your bullet journal in there. With the pages open, especially for things like schedules, notes, and reminders, I can more easily access and add to the information.

Edge Markers

This is way more useful for me than flags or bookmarks or tabs. I like to either color the edge with a felt tip pen, marker, or highlighter or use washi tape or a sticker to mark the edges of pages that contain certain information. This ends up working as another kind of index or key system. I can easily flip open to all of the green pages to find info on my 21 Day Fix progress, or flip through purple pages to make sure all of my blogging ideas are easily accessible. It’s a nice, clean looking way to keep my bullet journal even more organized.

Threading / Carry Over

At some point or another you are going to have to turn the page…This can be alarming and a little bit irritating sometimes. Get a good system in place for tracking information. If you have to put some other info between a series of lists make sure to reference the other page numbers on the corresponding lists. Threading doesn’t have to be difficult it can be as simple as keeping track (next to your regular page numbers) of the pages that contain the rest of your info. When it comes to daily pages, make sure you motivate yourself to check off all of those bullets. The less info you have to write onto the next day the better, right? You can even make your very own bullet journal cheatsheet and include the rules / system in there!

Stick With It

This might not seem like a great one for a list of bullet journal hacks but honestly, you just have to stick with it. Like anything else in life it will take time to get into a routine that works for you. When bullet journaling, it only really works if you put all of the relevant information in there. If you only want to use your bullet journal for fitness stuff? Great! But then you have to put it all in there. Same goes for work, daily pages, to do lists, etc. The bullet journal will help keep you organized and happy if you use it consistently.

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One Comment

  1. Ann Smith says:

    Thanks for taking the time to compile and publish this helpful information! I’m excited to give it a try.

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