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Do you ever get tired of playing the same old games on family game night? I know there are a lot of options out there but sometimes I feel like we get into a funk where we reach for the same games over and over. Not only does this get boring after awhile, it’s also not very challenging. I feel like we don’t always get to interact with each other as much as I’d like during family game night. This DIY Family Jenga Game is going to change all of that!

DIY Family Jenga is a great twist on a tried and true classic for game night. You only need a few supplies to make this custom game and in no time you’ll have a great new option that will make everyone think while they play. Games that keep our brains moving while also entertaining us are my favorite.

DIY Family Jenga Game:

Turn your boring, regular game into an amazingly entertaining DIY Family Jenga! Everyone will be thinking, moving, and laughing before you know it!

Supplies Needed to Make DIY Family Jenga:

Questions for Building a DIY Family Jenga Game:


YELLOW (open ended/responses that require thought)

  • If I could be any animal, I would be…
  • If I could fly anywhere, I would…
  • If I could fly like a bird, I would fly to…
  • I wish I could…
  • I smile when…
  • I like to…
  • My favorite thing to do is…
  • I am good at…

Turn your boring, regular game into an amazingly entertaining DIY Family Jenga! Everyone will be thinking, moving, and laughing before you know it!

RED (simple one word answers)

  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite meal?
  • What is your favorite candy?
  • What is your favorite holiday?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?

Turn your boring, regular game into an amazingly entertaining DIY Family Jenga! Everyone will be thinking, moving, and laughing before you know it!

BLUE (activities)

  • Pretend you’re a monkey.
  • Make a horn noise like a big ship.
  • Sound like a choo-choo train.
  • Jump as high as you can.
  • Pretend you are a cat/dog/frog/turtle.
  • Dance like a robot.
  • Shake your body.
  • Hop on one foot.
  • Do 10 jumping jacks.
  • Do the crab walk.

Turn your boring, regular game into an amazingly entertaining DIY Family Jenga! Everyone will be thinking, moving, and laughing before you know it!

Directions for Making DIY Family Jenga Game:

  • Write questions on Jenga pieces.
  • I did not write on each piece and when I stacked the game
  • I try to put the questions face down so there’s no peaking.

Turn your boring, regular game into an amazingly entertaining DIY Family Jenga! Everyone will be thinking, moving, and laughing before you know it!


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  1. Debbie Bennett says:

    I can find nothing with the colors you are showing! Are you suggesting people color each and every piece of the game blocks? Very confusing an misleading for me

    1. Hi Debbie, I found a Jenga game that was colored, but you can make this game without the colored blocks the same way. The colors aren’t necessary.

  2. I absolutely love this idea! DIY Family Jenga looks like a fun project that we can all enjoy together. Can’t wait to customize our blocks and make new family memories! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a fun idea! I love how you’ve made it a family project. Can’t wait to try this out with my kids—I’m sure they’ll love personalizing their own Jenga blocks! Thank you for sharing such a creative and engaging activity!

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