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This post, 3 Reasons Why Invisalign Fits Into Our Busy Lifestyle, is sponsored by Invisalign® brand. Take the Invisalign Smile Assessment to see if it’s is right for you!

Jack began his Invisalign treatment journey about ten months ago and is doing amazing–he’s remembering to wear his aligners, putting his bands in every night as the doctor ordered, and taking great care of his teeth.

Though he knows this journey is a little longer than that of his friends who are wearing traditional braces, he’s happy to trade some time for the ability to remove his aligners when he needs to (or wants to)!

Invisalign treatment is perfect for busy teens–no monthly appointments for tightening or repairs, just start a new aligner every week and you're good to go!

For our family, it has been a great option for so many reasons–right now, the reason I’m most thankful is that Jack isn’t missing school every month or two to have something tightened or fixed.

Our Invisalign treatment provider in Tucson told us that if we’re comfortable waiting a few months in between appointments, that was a-ok with him. Here are a few reasons why I feel great about this:

1. Each aligner has a blue dot on it that lets me know Jack is wearing it enough.

Invisalign treatment is perfect for busy teens–no monthly appointments for tightening or repairs, just start a new aligner every week and you're good to go!

2. Our Orthodontist welcomes pictures from us. If we have a question about the way an aligner is fitting, or about the brackets on Jack’s teeth to hold his rubber bands, we are able to take a picture before determining if an appointment is necessary.

As a family who is busy until 7pm most nights with after school activities, we so appreciate this. In most cases, we haven’t have to go in for a visit. Use this Invisalign orthodontist locator tool to see what doctor is closest to you.

Invisalign treatment is perfect for busy teens–no monthly appointments for tightening or repairs, just start a new aligner every week and you're good to go!


3. We have sets of Invisalign clear aligners ready to go for the next three months–Right under the bathroom counter.

The aligners are made in advance and they are used in sequence (there are numbers printed right on them!). Aside from some routine check ups there is very little maintenance.

Invisalign treatment is perfect for busy teens–no monthly appointments for tightening or repairs, just start a new aligner every week and you're good to go!

Less pain, hardware, and office visits…Why are you waiting to put your teens in Invisalign treatment?

This post is sponsored by Invisalign. Jack is in the process of using Invisalign treatment to straighten his teeth, and Invisalign brand is providing treatment in exchange for our honest thoughts and experiences. 

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One Comment

  1. We definitely need to start looking into this soon! Excellent information here.

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