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Reasons To Take A Screenshot

How To Take A Screenshot With Your iPhone

Push the round home button on the front of your phone and the power on/off button (on the top right side of your phone) quickly at the same time.

How To Take A Screenshot With An Android Phone

I don’t know :) But here’s a link to someone who does!

30 Reasons To Take A Screenshot With Your Phone

1. Avoid going back and forth between multiple recipes – screenshot and swipe!

2. Save a picture to use as wallpaper on your phone

3. Easily access a facebook post or link later on

4. Save gift ideas

5. Show someone a high score on a game

6. Help someone understand something

7. For kids to show their parents an inappropriate comment on social media in case it’s deleted later

8. Help remember something

9. Save gift card bar codes

10. Save great ideas to remember later

11. Snapchat

12. Share ridiculous things you see on social media with a friend (we all do it – admit it!)

13. Because IFTTT will save it to my dropbox, calendar or to do list for me.

14. Remember to share something later

15. When I’m in a client’s Pinterest account and I see someone I want to follow, I take a screenshot of the profile so I can find it later.

16. To easily access a portion of an email, like an address

17. Repost a Photo of the Day challenge on Instagram

18. Save a picture your child draws or makes in an app

19. Quickly save information about great products you find (screenshot the bottle of wine you had at a friend’s house)

20. Save craft ideas to try later

21. Take a photo of your calendar’s “to do” list for the day

22. Get proof of something

23. Save shopping lists for easy reference

24. Remember great products you see for sale so you can attempt to make your own later

25. Save lists you commonly refer to, like Instagram and exercise challenges

26. Remember great websites you come across

27. Share text conversations you have with your kids

28. Save coupon bar codes

29. Share a tweet with someone not on Twitter

30. Showing a problem you’re having to a friend when asking for help

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  1. Love it! At least half of your screenshot ideas I’ve done. It really does make a lot of things easier.

  2. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says:

    I use it sometimes, but wow you’ve got so many other ideas I didn’t think about!

  3. There are some brilliant reasons to take a screenshot here that I hadn’t considered before.

  4. I hadn’t thought of all those ideas but I love the recipe one!! And of course I do #12 all the time…

  5. Larry Poole says:

    Good read Becca! I take screen shots when my team wins and I want to use it as ammo for starting some interesting conversations on social media. :-)

    I love the look of your blog. Very clean and user friendly!

  6. When you see an error in a game and want to let the powers-that-be know.

  7. David Mike says:

    I have been trying to figure out how to screen shot on my Android for the longest time! Thank you!

  8. Ok now I will be taking more screen shots. Thanks for the ideas! You are just so full of information I love to pack into my brain!

  9. What great ideas! I totally forgot how to take a screenshot so I appreciate the reminder!

  10. i do lots of screenshots. unfortunately, my just turned 4 year old knows how. so she takes pictures and screenshots for me. all day long.

  11. Or taking screenshots of someone that’s publicly gone off the deep end & you need to save what they’ve said before they delete for possible future use. ;)

  12. Take a screenshot of your mobile boarding pass so your browser doesn’t have to reconnect right when you get to the front of the security line.

  13. Tech Blog says:

    Now this is something, Thanks for this interesting list of reasons to take screenshot.

    1. Thanks, Kate! I sure do love a good screenshot ;)

  14. I love taking video of my son and going back and taking a screenshot of a video. And awhile back a friend and I asked a stranger to take a photo of us. She took a video instead, but we were able to get a screenshot. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  15. I know you’ll just be shocked by this news, but I have never taken a screen shot with my phone and always wondered how people do it. Now, I know how and I have 30 more reasons why I should!

    1. Yay, Anna! I’m so glad you learned how! Let me know if you need any other phone help :)

  16. To easily access your airline record locator, or any reservation code.

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