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Put coconut oil in coffee? Really? YES! Try it – you’ll love this coconut oil latte as much as I do – promise! It’s quick, easy, heathy, and delicious. You are probably thinking, adding coconut oil to my coffee? Are you crazy?!
No, I am not crazy, but I am known to be a bit adventurous with my foods and drinks. Originally, the idea of putting coconut oil in coffee weirded me out.

But, after a little push and suggestion from my Crossfit coach, he mentioned how he uses coconut oil in coffee for increasing the variety of good fats in his diet.
I was hesitant, but after he prepared me an INCREDIBLE (read life changing) cup of coffee with coconut oil, I was hooked. I had just been adding coconut oil to my coffee the wrong way in the past.
I have tried adding coconut oil in my coffee before, and it didn’t end well. The coconut oil sat on top of my coffee and it was admittedly tough to drink. It was oil, after all. I’ve learned that blending or frothing is key.
This coconut oil coffee recipe was creamy, delicious, and my new coffee creamer replacement. My cup of Joe doesn’t taste like coconut. It doesn’t smell like coconut. But… it has all of the health benefits of coconut oil in my morning coffee.
Caffeinating and increasing good fats in my diet. That’s a huge win for a little cup of coffee!
Where’s the Recipe?
Here at My Crazy Good Life we have readers of all experience levels in the kitchen. We write our recipes so all of our readers have the tools and help they need to be successful in the kitchen.
Our recipes are written with detailed instructions, tips and tricks, healthy eating plan point information, as well as nutritional values for each recipe. If you are looking for a more simplified set of instructions, simply scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll find our easy to print How to Make a Coconut Oil Latte recipe.
Ingredients needed to make a coconut oil latte:
- Milk: I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, but you are welcome to use your preferred milk.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a healthy fat. Consuming coconut oil has many health benefits. We like to use unrefined organic virgin coconut oil in our morning cup. You might be worried that it’ll taste like coconut coffee, or what you expect drinking coconut oil to taste like. We promise it doesn’t. The coffee flavor overpowers the coconut oil in coffee.
- Stevia sweetener or maple syrup: We like to add a handful of drops of Stevia to our morning coffee. If you prefer to not use Stevia, you can swap out to add maple syrup as your sweetener.
- Coffee: We love coffee. Seriously, it might be one of the best inventions. Adding coconut oil in coffee makes sense. (Trust us).
- A milk frother: We love this frother because really makes the coconut oil coffee creamy and delightful. If you don’t have a frother, a blender will also work.
How to make a coconut oil latte:
- Make a cup of coffee, then pour half into the blender or frother.
- Combine coconut oil, milk (to taste), and a few drops of Stevia (5-7 is good–but add three and then test it).
- Blend or froth. At first, the coconut oil will stick onto the side of the coffee cup. It is a solid oil. Don’t be nervous – it’ll melt and blend in.
- Combine frothed coffee with the remaining portion of your cup of coffee. Enjoy!
Recipe Tips
- I should mention quick that coconut oil and coconut milk are completely different. And to confuse you even more, there are two kinds of coconut milk – thicker coconut milk usually found in a can and refrigerated milk made from coconuts that’s similar to soy or almond milk. You’ll want to add coconut oil to your coffee recipe.
- This is a really easy blended coffee recipe that just takes a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil, coffee, and a frother or blender! You’ll enjoy a yummy and healthier coffee drink with a light foam on top – a latte, if you will.
- You’ve heard about bulletproof coffee before. The original bulletproof coffee recipe includes butter and coconut oil, we opted to leave the butter out of this recipe.
- You’ll figure out exactly how much coconut oil you like to add to your cup of coffee. We recommend starting with 1 tablespoon. Now that I have coconut oil in coffee regularly, I prefer using 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in my hot coffee.
- This recipe works with your favorite type of coffee beans. You may also use instant coffee. We prefer how our coffee tastes with regular coffee beans instead of instant coffee.
- Coconut Oil has so many health benefits, and there are two different types of coconut oil. Read our FAQ to learn all the scoop on coconut oil.
There are two different types of coconut oil. You might have already noticed that some is liquid at room temperature and some is a solid. That’s because they’re processed differently.
There are two types, refined and unrefined. Each has their own process for collection and their own potential health benefits.
Refined Coconut Oil: Refined coconut oil is made from dried coconut meat. The meat is bleached and treated to reduce bacteria and contaminates. They then use a high heat process to extract the oil from the meat. Refined coconut oil will usually have a longer shelf life, but may also have additives to make that possible.
Refined coconut oil is usually at least partially hydrogenated which means it will have some trans fats. Refined coconut oil typically doesn’t have any smell or flavor of coconut. Usually refined coconut oil is more of a solid at room temperature, and a liquid when it’s warmer.
Refined coconut oil has less health benefits than unrefined coconut oil.
Unrefined Coconut Oil: Unrefined coconut oil is wet milled–this means that the oil is extracted from the coconut directly and undergoes no bleaching. Unrefined coconut will smell like coconut, but it is the least processed form of coconut oil available.
With regard to unrefined coconut oil, more coconut flavor means more nutrients. Unrefined coconut oil has more MCTs (remember these are what offer the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits). If you’re solely using coconut oil as a health boost, you’re going to want to use unrefined. Refined coconut oil still has nutrients, but unrefined has more.
Healthy fats: Some of the benefits of coconut oil are linked to the healthy saturated fats that it contains. They’re great for boosting fat burning, providing your body and particularly your brain with quick energy.
Help with HDL: Coconut oil is thought to help raise HDL cholesterol in your blood which is useful for reducing the risk of heart disease.
Adding coconut oil to coffee in regards to keto diets is a good match. Coconut oil is especially helpful because the fats in coconut oil–known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) or medium chain fatty acids–typically go straight to the liver when eaten, where they are used as a quick source of energy or turned into ketones.
Most fats in the ketogenic diet are long-chain triglycerides, so coconut oil is a great way to add some MCTs into your diet.
Lauric acid makes up about 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil. Lauric acid is thought to kill pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Coconut Oil in Coffee? How to Make a Coconut Oil Latte
- Handheld Milk Frother
- Coffee Press
- 2 tbsp milk I use vanilla soy milk
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- Stevia mine is flavored vanilla
- 8 oz coffee
- Make a cup of coffee, then pour half into the blender or frother. 8 oz coffee
- Add about 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil, milk (to taste), and 5-7 drops of Stevia. Blend or froth. At first, the coconut oil will look like it does in the photo below, on the side of the coffee cup. It is a solid oil. Don't freak – it'll melt :) 2 tbsp coconut oil 2 tbsp milk Stevia
- Froth/blend. Pour the frothed ingredients back into the other half of your coffee.
Make This Recipe?
Make sure to follow on Pinterest @bludlum and on Instagram @beccaludlum
I’d use the brand you mentioned because I hate the taste of coconut. Love the smell though. Weird, huh?
I only like coconut in certain foods – and certain drinks. I love it sometimes, but other times feel like I’m eating sunscreen!
I had another friend mention they put coconut oil in their coffee. I’ll have to try it sometime!
I’m very intrigued by this. It sounds like it could be really good. I’ll have to try it sometime if I can find coconut oil.
It’s right by the vegetable oil in stores here :)
I am going to have to try it in my tea!
I can honestly say that I’ve never ever thought of using coconut oil in my coffee. hmmmm, I’ll have to see if I can get past the “thought” of it, kwim. I bet if someone made it for me and didn’t tell me I would love it. (funny how the mind works)
I swear you can’t tell it’s in there if you blend it!
My hubby saw your post on FB about this. He has been doing it for years and we can both tell when he is not consistent with it…it really does help! I take a supplement in pill form…can’t quite get past the oil slick look – lol!
The blending helps with the oil slick look, Amy! I’m not much of a supplement taker, so if I can get things into my food and drink it’s a plus :)
I will definitely have to try this, but I probably would skip the Stevia. I have kicked the creamer habit, too, and usually just use a little unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk or just drink it black (which I NEVER thought I would do!). I do try to use coconut oil in something at least once a day – my favorite way lately is to toss some with a sweet potato and sea salt and roast. I also use it to cook my eggs. I also use it on my face and hair. Have you ever looked into oil pulling? Very interesting topic – you should check it out!
Crazy!! I can’t imagine drinking black coffee! I need to have something sweet in it!
I love coconut oil! I use it almost every single day as my lotion.
I don’t drink coffee but I bet that I could is it in my chai tea instead.
I bet it would be great in chai!
I just started using coconut oil…on my face. After receiving numerous recommendations to use it as a moisturizer, I decided to give it a go. So far, so good. :)
I’ve heard of a lot of people doing that, Stephanie!
Whether or not the coconut oil smells and tastes like coconut has to do with the way the oil was processed. Cold expeller pressed oil tastes and smells like coconut, while spectrum expeller pressed does not. The reason has to do with the temperature and how the process effects the flavor compounds in the oil. It should say on the container how the oil was processed, so now you’ll know before purchasing whether or not you get the one you want!
What a creative idea to incorporate more healthy fats into your diet! I bought one of those enormous coconut oil tubs from Costco, and I’ve been mixing it with lavender to use as a lotion for my hands and feet and night (lavender essential oil helps with my insomnia). It’s a really versatile product. :-)
There are two types of coconut oils. Refined and unrefined. Unrefined smells and tastes like coconut, refined does not. Most of the store sold ones are refined, however trader joes and Whole foods do carry unrefined versions. Make sure the bottle says unrefined and you’ll do fine.
Steve, thanks so much for simplifying his ,,,, since i don’t eat any refined foods i know now which oil to pick up ,,, thank you.
i love coconut oil in coffee with sweetener, its a delicious and very healthy drink, and it tastes GORGEOUS!!! :-)
Kicked the creamer habit – never ever thought I would – and I have coconut oil in hopefully something every day. I tried coffee – with your same results so I can’t wait to try this!
Look for cold pressed unrefined coconut oil, it’s even better for you.
I can’t bring myself to use it for lotion though. It’s my good, you know? But people swear by it!
I like mine with the unrefined oil and a tsp of stevia oil slick not a problem for this old army dog
One morning l just decided to try some in my coffee and I realized that my coffee no longer tasted bitter betcha the alkiline in the oil cuts the acidity in the Java.not to gross you’ll out but it also works on your itchy smelly underarms well somebodies gotta do it!!!
I put skim milk in a milk frother, and add coconut oil to that once it is room temperature and let the milk continue to heat and froth. Then, I pour the frothy milk on top of my coffee. I use skim milk because it does not contain the hormones that come along with the milk fat of whole or reduced fat milk; since I am not lactose intolerant, I can drink regular milk and I find it tastes much better in coffee.
Skim milk + coconut oil + vanilla agave = delicious milk for your homemade cafe au lait.
I don’t know if someone else has mentioned this so if I’m
Being redundant I apologize. The reason Luann’s does not taste like coconut oil is because it’s not a good quality oil. The beneficial coconut oils are virgin or extra virgin, unheated, and unrefined so that the nutrients and enzymes are all preserved.
Thank you, Angelica! I know this now – I didn’t then. I think it’s time I update the post ;)
Well I tried the coconut oil coffee latte! Very good. I was desperate as I’d run out of creamer and it worked quite well!
We use Nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil. I buy Louanna for body moisturizing but not for eating. It’s very processed. So Nutiva does have a bit of a coconut flavor but I don’t mind that. Sidenote: When I got a bad sunburn on my shoulders, I developed these freckled patches that started itching really bad for weeks. I used the Nutiva organic coconut oil on them several times a day as well as making sure I was taking some internally. The itching and discomfort stopped within a few days and the freckled patches were gone in a few weeks.
Tomorrow I’m going to experiment with the flavor as I occasionally add a few drops of vanilla to my coffee and sometimes I add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to my French press for a mocha flavor.
How was it, Lori?