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Have you heard? Ralph Breaks the Internet is finally out this week, on November 21! You might be wondering what the heck has to do with the new movie, and I’m going to tell you–don’t you worry about that.
First, you should know that you can find all of the best behind the scenes stories, information on new characters, and even (pretty famous) interactive quizzes about everything Disney, is the place to go. Ralph Breaks the Internet Writer Pamela Ribon, Character Art Director Ami Thompson, and Head of Animation Kira Lehtomaki noticed that Oh My Disney played a huge role in the lives of Disney lovers and when they decided to create a little scene with the Disney Princesses, they needed a website to have that scene play out in–remember, Ralph Breaks the Internet takes place in the internet, and has a huge amount of characters who populate it.
Oh My Disney caught Disney’s eye as the perfect place for that Disney Princess scene I mentioned above, and we were able to hear a little about how the scene took shape while we were in Los Angeles chatting with the movie Writer, Character Art Director, and Head of Animation.
The Princess scene? The writers were literally trying to break the internet. Pam Ribon explained the process and while a little terrifying for her to present to her bosses (you know, making fun of the Princesses and all…), it all worked out in the end.
The shirts that the princesses are wearing? Those are thanks to Ami Thompson and her team. She decided that each princess needed their own comfy shirt based on their movie. You know, they can’t wear their gowns all the time.
Kira explained that a lot of research went into the princess scene. They drove to Disneyland and met with the princesses–asked them questions, watched their mannerisms, and took it all in so each princess was represented correctly in the film. One of the most exciting things that happened in this film was that all of the original princesses came back to voice their own characters.
Those comfy Disney Princess shirts? I’ve got some pretty crafty friends who have recreated them and have free cut files so you can create your own with your Cricut or Silhouette machine!
I loved reading about! It’s such a fun hub for Disney fans, and I can’t wait to check out more content related to Ralph Breaks the Internet. Your insights made me even more excited for the event! Thanks for sharing!