These 21 Day Fix yellow container recipes have at least one yellow container per serving. The yellow container is used for healthy carbohydrates, and on average contain about 100 calories per serving.
The size of the 21 Day Fix yellow container is 1/2 cup, and foods on the yellow food list that do not have other units of measurement should fit into the container with the lid on. For example, one small whole grain tortilla equals one yellow container because the amount is listed on the approved food list. If you are going to eat lentils, however, you’d measure out 1/2 cup by fitting them into your container because there isn’t a specific measurement listed next to them in the food list.
Remember that just as with other 21 day fix container colors, the container itself is the unit of measurement if no other information is given on the food list. There is no weight equivalent to the 21 Day Fix containers, because foods of a variety of weights can be used in the containers.
To get started on the 21 Day Fix, you’ll need to determine how many containers you should eat every day. The formula for calculating how many containers you get can be found here: What is the 21 Day Fix?.
Depending on your calorie bracket, you’ll get between two and five yellow containers per day. The yellow container holds healthy carbs and foods including sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, lentils, whole grain (or gluten free) pasta, sweet peas, corn on the cob, and other whole grains.
The yellow container can also count treat swaps, or treat items above the 100-ish calorie range that are allowed three times a week. There are both purple treat swaps and yellow container treat swaps that can be used in place of a container of the same color three times per week.
For example, six plain tortilla chips equal one yellow container treat swap. You can have six tortilla chips three times a week as long as you count one of your yellow containers towards it.
Other 21 Day Fix yellow container treat swaps are dried cranberries, dark chocolate, potato chips, mini-pretzels, and everyone’s favorite–cocktails and beer. One light beer, one 5 ounce glass of wine, or a 1/5 ounce shot of hard alcohol can be consumed three times a week as a treat swap.
It’s important to note that you’re allowed to use treat swaps three times a week total–purple or yellow, it doesn’t matter. Using treat swaps more than three times per week could result in weight loss stall or possibly even weight gain.
The 21 Day Fix eating plan is focused on portion control. Eating more than the allotted amount of containers per day could result in weight loss plateaus and possible weight gain. The containers work together and use macronutrients to help you lose weight, so eating all of your containers every day is the goal. Only eating your blue and yellow containers and skipping your green containers every day, for example, will not help you lose weight on the 21 Day Fix.
Easy healthy meals for your family
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