First, put the meat, broth, and spices into a large bowl. Make sure the apples/onion (depending on which type of sausage you’re making) are diced up super small–if they’re too big the sausage patties will have a hard time sticking together.
Then mix the ingredients together with your hands. You might be tempted to skip the bone broth, but in addition to its nutritional value, it helps these patties to not dry out.
Line a baking dish with parchment paper or a slipmat and then, using your hands, form the sausage mixture into 12 small patties.
Cook sausage patties in the oven at 375º for 25 minutes or so. I like to cook them for about 10 minutes per side.
Serving Sizes: Recipe makes 12 patties. Each serving is 3 patties. 0 2025 points | 0 2023 Points | 0 Blue Plan Points | 1 Green Plan Points | 0 Purple Plan Points