Quick and easy breakfast options that are low in points can be tough to find. These Weight Watchers banana pancakes are zero points! Only two ingredients and I'll bet you have them at home right now.
Liberally spray your pan and place over medium heat.
Add your banana to a bowl and use a fork or potato masher to mash your banana until there are no longer chunks.1 banana
Add your egg to your mashed bananas and stir until well combined. 1 eggs
Pour your batter into a preheated pan and allow it to cook undisturbed for 3-4 minutes until the edges begin to dry. Carefully flip your pancake and allow it to cook for another 2-3 minutes. Transfer your pancake to a plate and top with your favorite toppings. I like peanut butter and maple syrup.
Recipe Tips
The title says pancakes, but these are more like crepes. If thin pancakes bother, you can add ¼ tsp of baking powder.
Try to only flip these one time, they tend to fall apart if they are handled too much.
Be sure your pan is hot before adding your batter.
Spray your pan with cooking spray to avoid sticking.
Use the thinnest spatula you have for easier flipping.
Mash your banana well to avoid biting into big chunks of banana.
The riper your banana the better. I like to make these when I have some brown, forgotten bananas on the counter.
0 2025 Points | 0 2023 Points | 0 Blue Plan Points | 2 Green Plan Points | 0 Purple Plan Points